Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Blog Block

I have been attempting to blog about several major things going on in my life recently, yet I can never seem to sit down and write up a blog post about it. I just have to be in a particular mood to write out a post. Still have not quiet figured that out. Maybe it is the fact that I use my girlfriend's computer and I think if I had my own computer I would blog more often, as well as investing in a good quality camera to upload photos easily and make the blog more visually pleasing. But nonetheless several things have been going on since I last wrote a post on here. I turned 25 on the 12th. It was somewhat surreal. I never really thought of myself being 25. Everything is great though.
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Courtney and I will be celebrating our one year anniversary on the 22nd.
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It doesn't feel like a year has passed at all. When I first really hung out with her, we were in Northwestern Memorial for a small surgery she had. I did not want her to be alone so I went with her scared out of my mind that she would be alright. Now nearly a year has passed and our love is going strong. So many great times shared. Living together since May, getting kittens together which are growing big everyday. We recently purchased MegaBus tickets to go to my parents' for Thanksgiving. First time Court will be meeting my parents. Hopefully it goes well. My parents have never really saw any girls I have dated before, so it will be cool to have her there for the holiday. Plus I have not been home to Tennessee in over a year. I do miss my family, and the older I get, the more I cherish them. I understand family life more. It should be exciting as well because the fact Court has never been to the SOUTH! I cannot wait to show her around like she did for me in Michigan. We have also made plans to travel to her parents' for the Christmas holiday. I have already met her parents and family during our summer vacation up a few months ago. I really like going up there. Its like I have a second family there. Hopefully during our 12 hour holiday traveling, I can get some drawings in the sketchbook.

A few weeks ago I signed a contract with Studio Within for a January solo art showing. I have yet to really do anything for it. They have two floors of space which comes along with tons of wall space. I want to find a particular style to show, yet it is so hard for me to pick a certain style of painting. I am all over the board...abstract, surrealism, illustration, graffiti, photography, ceramics, etc. Time is constantly ticking and I am feeling stressed. I want to make lots of money yet also want to have fun painting. I plan on getting a few sheets of birch wood and making 12"x12"x1" wood panels to paint on for the show. One sheet at Home Depot makes 32 panels... all for under 50 bucks. I am sure the month of December will be a sleepless one.
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I started an Etsy shop for my art a couple of weeks ago. Only three paintings are uploaded so far, but more awesome things are to come soon...sticker packs, t-shirts, prints, stencils, vinyl art toys, etc. Check it out. All my stuff is priced for a down economy. I know its hard for me to afford art, so I am sure it is for most people as well.
Hopefully this motivates me to make more art, as well as brings in a steady revenue.

Tomorrow I start my 2nd job. Somewhat nervous on what it will be like. Its just a wicker basket warehouse supply company, but first days at anything are awkward as it is. Hopefully it will go well and I can bring in some extra cash for awhile. I would really love to save up a bunch and start my own design business from home. Maybe buy a desk and a mac, some adobe software, and tons of books to learn since I cannot afford to attend illustration school like I have always wanted to. I guess if you have enough determination you can make it in anything. Maybe thats just what poor people say to make themselves feel better. =P

But yeah, I will try to blog more, write more, post more art on here. I have really been slacking. I am 25. I have to get the ball rolling ASAP!


1 comment:

  1. cool art man! my boyfriend is an artist and I'm sure he'd like your blog
